Grand Estate
Real Estate Consulting
Total Return on your Real Estate investment is typically driven by:
1)The Nett. Income from rental payments (Direct Return)
2)Value appreciation over time (Indirect Return)
By nature Real Estate investments are a long(er) term commitment. After having carefully analyzed your investment opportunities and allocating your funds to the property of your choice, you may not want to deal with the day-to-day hassle of managing your Real Estate.
Building lasting relations with both our investors as well as tenants Grand Estate’s Asset Management service turns commercial properties into high-performing assets by maintaining cost-efficient operations while continuously striving to improve the quality and durability of the underlying assets.
Grand Estate currently manages a real estate portfolio in excess of € 20 mln. throughout the Netherlands for a variety of customers.
The benefits of Grand Estate’s Asset Management service include:
Tenant relations and retention programs
Contract (renewal) negotiations
Asset preservation and maximum value enhancement
Custom management plans
Operational efficiency and expense control
Project inspections and management recommendations
Vendor and contract management
Contact us now to learn how we can make your Grand Estate a care-free estate!
Asset Management
Grand Values
Tailor Made